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Showing posts from January, 2014

Java 1.8 (JDK8): What's new?

We have now Java 1.8, let's read some well explain articles. Here are some I have extracted. Interesting Feature Here are the new Java 1.8 features : Lambda expressions Remove the Permanent Generation Small VM Parallel Array Sorting Bulk Data Operations for Collections Define a standard API for Base64 encoding and decoding New Date & Time API Provide stronger Password-Based-Encryption (PBE) algorithm implementations in the SunJCE provider Here is the full list of the features of Java 1.8 . Performance According to the article shows that Java 1.8 performance is similar to Java 1.7. Here are the results: Java 1.6 Java 1.7 Java 1.8 Test 1 3564ms 3653ms 3614ms Test 2 27265ms 28773ms 28326ms Test 3 6220ms 6579ms 6231ms Test 4 408ms 428ms 423ms Test 4 (parallelSort) 193ms Read more:

Never Used 32-bit JVM on Your 64-bit OS

Do you know that JVM (or JDK) with 32-bit is only able to use the maximum memory of 1.5GB? I just notice when I install a JVM (without check if it's a 32 bit installer file) on my server of 64-bit OS with the same bit of Tomcat installing, I couldn't extend the memory more than 1.5GB for the application. To check, 32bits or not So it's very important to use full capacity of 64-bit OS by using the same for the application architecture. Understanding of 32-bit & 64-bit, read this post .