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Showing posts from 2014

Java OOP - The Design Pattern [Image]

Why Java More Secure than Other Languages?

Today, Java is driving more than $100 billion of business annually. If we take a look at the enterprise side, more than $2.2 billion are being spent by the enterprises in Java application server. There is no denying that Java is used extensively for developing Java enterprise applications reason being Security. Java brings some of the most fascinating features or benefits that are impossible to find in any other programming languages or platforms. Here is the key features in a short note: Java’s security model No use of pointers Exception handling concept Defined order execution Tested code re-usability Access Control functionality Protection from security attacks Garbage collection mechanism Type-safe reference casting in JVM Full reading from these key features, here

Prevent Hacking - Make Sure You have latest JVM

JVM version refers to the installed JRE in your system and if you are in Windows, it should be loaded in System Environment (PATH), it will manage to execute the Java application in your system, especially it will install a plugin to your browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome etc.). If JVM is not up-to-date, your machine can be hacked through browser such as via Java Applet as example. Make sure you have latest JVM - Test your browser via following link:

Java Heist - All about ones and zeros [Java Trailer]

It's all about ones and zeros... I used to think that computers were just for jerking off. ... I think I found real freedom..

What will happen to the world without JAVA ? [Video Trailler]

It supposes to write one run every where. Usin "compiled to bytecode" to run equally for all. "FOREVER IS A LONG TIME" Watch the trailer for what happen if the world without Java

JavaScript on JVM, Code Right Away on Your Java App

In Java 8, Nashorn has been embedded into the new JVM. Nashorn 's goal is to implement a lightweight high-performance JavaScript runtime in Java with a native JVM. This Project intends to enable Java developers embedding of JavaScript in Java applications via JSR-223 and to develop free standing JavaScript applications using the jrunscript command-line tool. Find-out around it! Wiki Blog about Nashorn  : Where Oracle introduce how-nashorn-work

Java Web Frameworks Comparison: Spring MVC, Grails, Vaadin, GWT, Wicket, Play, Struts and JSF

Web Frameworks are all very different and have been typically created for different reasons and to achieve different goals. Which Java Web Framework will you use in your next project and why would you chose one over the other? Watch the video of this comparison: Thank to

Java 1.8 (JDK8): What's new?

We have now Java 1.8, let's read some well explain articles. Here are some I have extracted. Interesting Feature Here are the new Java 1.8 features : Lambda expressions Remove the Permanent Generation Small VM Parallel Array Sorting Bulk Data Operations for Collections Define a standard API for Base64 encoding and decoding New Date & Time API Provide stronger Password-Based-Encryption (PBE) algorithm implementations in the SunJCE provider Here is the full list of the features of Java 1.8 . Performance According to the article shows that Java 1.8 performance is similar to Java 1.7. Here are the results: Java 1.6 Java 1.7 Java 1.8 Test 1 3564ms 3653ms 3614ms Test 2 27265ms 28773ms 28326ms Test 3 6220ms 6579ms 6231ms Test 4 408ms 428ms 423ms Test 4 (parallelSort) 193ms Read more:

Never Used 32-bit JVM on Your 64-bit OS

Do you know that JVM (or JDK) with 32-bit is only able to use the maximum memory of 1.5GB? I just notice when I install a JVM (without check if it's a 32 bit installer file) on my server of 64-bit OS with the same bit of Tomcat installing, I couldn't extend the memory more than 1.5GB for the application. To check, 32bits or not So it's very important to use full capacity of 64-bit OS by using the same for the application architecture. Understanding of 32-bit & 64-bit, read this post .